Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. Same day deliveries is our strength! For our Delivery ExpressYou Shop, We Collect, Delivery For Businesses and Shop And Delivery, you will need to place the booking, please refer to

Ideally, we would love you to book online in our platform It’s really quick and simple! If you need help or would like to place a booking over the phone give us a call on 0472578914

EASY charges a distance-based flat fee. Additional charges may apply for Shop and Deliver service. Get an instant quote

Our customer service runs from 7am to 6pm (AWST) Monday to Sunday. Book online now

You can send your parcel to and from Perth metro areas. Book online now

Yes, it can! Our office is open 7 days a week until 6pm. Book online now

Almost anything weighing less than 10kg, if it fit in our bag pack we can take it! We aren’t allowed to take:

(a) People, animals, or other living critters;
(b) Stolen or illegal items, or something you suspect to be stolen or illegal;
(c) Fragile or perishable items;
(d) Valuable items including, but not limited to, precious stones, metals, watches, jewellery, furs, china, art, antiques, money, vouchers, travellers cheques, bearer bonds, bills of exchange, promissory notes, bank, credit, pre-pay or other store cards with a cash equivalent value, spirits, tobacco and cigarettes;
(e) Noxious, flammable, corrosive, poisonous, explosive, or other dangerous items;
(f) Illicit drugs, fireworks, weapons, or firearms;
(g) Hazardous items, regardless of whether the risk of such hazard can be reduced or controlled if the item is handled or packaged properly;
(h) Items containing chemicals, gases, poisons/toxins, toxic waste, radioactive materials, organic peroxides, oxidising substances, bacteria, viruses, infectious or biological substances, human tissue or any other living organisms and specimens; or
(i) are otherwise unlawful.

Delivery times vary depending on the type of service you book – deliveries can be as short as 30 minutes.

Once you book, we send you confirmation with the name, mobile number and ETA of your Easy courier.

Please note, delivery times may vary depending on traffic, weather, or other conditions. Be sure to check the details of your booking, or refer to our Customer Terms.

Cancellations made prior to the Easy courier being on route to your location are free.

If the courier arrives to collect a parcel and no one’s there, they’ll wait for up to 5 minutes and try to contact you by phone and SMS.

After this time, the full fee will be charged. The same goes for the destination, but if we can’t track you down to make other arrangements, we’ll return your parcel to the pickup location.

If returning it isn’t possible that day, we may need to hold onto it at your own risk until we can. Your courier will keep you in the loop. Please note, additional charges may apply for returns.

Absolutely! Once you book we’ll send you their contact details. They’re always happy to take a call. We do find our real-time tracking, answer most questions about how long collection or delivery will take.

Email us or give us a call on 0472578914 and we will be happy to answer any other question you have